Jessie Alastor

Senior Software Engineer (C#)

Lover of technology and software. I write tools and games and stuff. Dedicated to building honest, ethical, non-exploitative, responsible, reliable, inclusive software and games that bring people joy, and tools that make peoples’ jobs and lives easier. Tinkerer and game dev in my spare time. Permanent advocate for Transgender and Neuro-Divergent individuals.

ADHD, ASD, Trans, Indoor Enthusiast.

Techs I Use(d)

Languages Frameworks/Engines Database(s) Etc
C#/.Net ASP.Net Microsoft SQL Server Docker
Python Monogame MySQL Azure
Typescript Unity CosmosDB Linux
Powershell Flask/FastAPI MongoDB Windows
Site Migration

Migrating my old site and some content over to a new location!

May 29 2023
Tags: index

A repository of code-first monogame extensions used for game development.

May 29 2023
Tags: game development, gamedev, C#, monogame, projects
Lame Duck Delivery Service

Ludum Dare 53 Jam entry

May 3 2023
Tags: game development, gamedev, C#, monogame, projects, Ludum Dare, game jam, Ludum Dare
Azure Dynamic DNS

A small app to keep your DNS record updated dynamically via Azure DNS.

Nov 1 2021
Tags: projects, dynamic dns, dns